Monday, May 12, 2008

Today and Yesterday too

For some reason China's blocked the actual blog so I can't view it, only manage posts and/or post shit. I only have one more exam after last week's 9 exam in 5 days extravaganza. So lately I've been playin the new Grand Theft Auto. It's pretty fun I guess. Yesterday there was an earthquake in Chengdu, which is like 1,500 km from Beijing. We actually felt it here still though. I was riding my bike during it, which I didn't know til I got home and my mom was evacuated from our building cause it was swaying back n forth. After Monday I'm done with school and then Pat's comin twelve days after dat. That's about it, sorry it's boring. I can't do images or anything right now due to China blockage. 

1 comment:

Hunter said...

9000 people died...