Thursday, October 16, 2008

for those who dont look at my other blog

here are all the videos you've missed

see more at

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

because bjoranges is dying and because i don't have anything good to post anyways, i took a picture of what i did today. to anyones interest and/or disinterest.

it's for this wall. 
what HAPPENED to us?

Friday, September 26, 2008

For something more entertaining.....


Video blog. frequent updates. maybe even weekly or bi-weekly. two new videos coming up within the weekend. keep an eye out dawgs

Monday, September 1, 2008

For your Pleasure and entertainment

William Augustine and myself happened to come across this documentry about men who have emotional relationships with dolls (sorta like the movie Lars and the Real Girl). It's honestly the most disturbing video i've ever seen. One of the men in the video whos name is davecat

(pictured here) is especially creepy. Will and i being the detectives we are found that mr. Davecat has a myspace account and not only is mr hipster davecat on myspace but his doll girlfriend ALSO!!! Anyway, what i'm saying here is that it's disturbing and rediculous. But the video is worth a watch, especially while intoxicated with friends. If you dont feel like looking at the links above to laugh, or cry, or get wierded out here is the website to this controversial product

Now scroll down and look at all the OPC gnarliness.

64 posts sittin in my pocket (intro)

So, here's the rundown. I've not posted anything on here in a long long time. Pat's been running it solo for awhile but since i've moved to Richmond i've had the opportunities to take alot of pictures of friends and happenings. I'm going to do my best to start uploading pictures and such with little captions n' stuff. I've had a load of pics sittin in my camera since i got here so i split them up into a couple sections. The internet here isn't the best either so that sort of affected the way i had to post this whole monster of a photo entry. Also Hunter has moved back to the 540 (Roanoke) and hopefully will start posting happenings from there with homebro's. Enjoy, use 'em as profile/facebook pics, backgrounds, whatever. Keep coming back.

64 posts sittin in my pocket (section) River Gnarliness/ OPC (other.peoples.clothes)

64 posts sittin in my pocket (section) Party Pics/ OPC/ Calm before the storm/ see how handsome steve is

64 posts sittin in my pocket (section) Party Pics/ OPC