Saturday, June 27, 2009

This dosn't involve art, but i thought i would post this here anyway.

Battle at the Berrics 2 started last night. This is my bracket and it's probably pretty wrong. My money in the end is on cole or pudwill, although i'm rooting so hard for Gilbert. GET HYPED! i'm sure patrick might post his bracket too.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why'd you have to wear skirts and heels like that?

Can't seem to stop having anxiety attacks, so I'm just going to post some things I've been looking at recently:

i probably need to sleep more, i guess

Sunday, June 21, 2009

is way tighter than the old one.

So here's the lowdown on the past week or so.
Hung out with patrick and skated while he was in town.
Hunter was at the beach having a fucking amazing time im sure.
Started some new projects, i'll post some pictures soon.
Hanging out with kirk alot lately which is always a good thing.
Skating as much as i can in between work and life.
Oh, and also i went golfing with my dad for fathers day so...
Happy Fathers DAY!

Our new picture...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

one more cup of coffee before i go

here's what's been going on this week in between nervous breakdowns / anxiety attacks

some sketchbook shots to prove that i haven't gone soft

took a trip to south carolina

best pub ever
cool hipster wheels

but not really

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

does anyone remember this movie?

i used to love it when i was really young, but it also scared the shit outta me. i watched it again tonight for the first time in probably 14 years and i think i might have a nightmare.
ps. the blog banner/picture/title is really lame.

pps. i'm coming to roanoke. (tomorrow)wednesday night-friday night. lemme see some shining faces.

found an old party pic of me and paul gettin slick

- the new milkman

Old Friends, Familiar places

Hungout with Sym'dogg who was glowing all evening
And Kirk too actually after not seeing him for about a year.

and Andrew is back from cali for awhile just hang back, pounding brewskies.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I kind of want to kill myself in norther virginia...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

gettin there

- bigbabyjesus

took some pills to calm us down, we needed help to come back up

Recap of the weekend:

Spencer and I did our southern duty of walking on train tracks...just like our forefathers

he likes taking pictures of stupid rocks and stuff

gnarly roots
found a lizard

out of film... :(

Also, Caleb, Matt, and Audie came up for some stick and pokes
Audie got a key
Matt's pretty good at skateboards, so he got one

Caleb wanted some olive branches around his sailboat

The rest of the weekend was filled in with panic attacks, skating, and drinking, and drawing. Hopefully more pictures soon.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

just painting a little flying baby

the end result is aimed in THIS direction.

just thought i'd let you guys know i'm staying productive aside from work.


I Doodled this

I miss this guy
Check out our myspace.

A Reason Roanoke Needs Help

Friday, June 12, 2009

Images that were deleted off of our Myspace

Apparently, having Tila Tequila and Lady Gaga flapping their tits around on myspace is fine but my paintings and flyer where the female breast is exposed isn't. Here are the two images that were deleted by "Tom" off of our myspace. Enjoy the "Vulgarity" that my artwork supposedly obtains.

So i bought this.

and you should watch this.

So next week i'm going to start buckling down and working on some fish stencils
get ready for it to be smelly



i hate tryin to think of things to post.

so i'll just upload this since all the rage is updating bjoranges these days... but i'm glad it's not dead. as of late the only thing i've been doing is spywork with lyndhurst and cranston. cranston has the logs and journals of said spywork, and may he choose to upload the top secret information, then you may gain some insight into the spy team known as the boobdogs, which is the name until a better name is thought of. and spencer, you can join once i write you into the spybook and when i think of a top secret agent name for you. hold your horses.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What up bitches
new member.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Trying to clean up shop

We are trying to fix up the blog and do at least a couple posts a week from now on. We are planning some big things for the bjorange bro's so keep checking back.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I don't ever want to go back to my old ways...

After a too-long haitus, we've decided to reinstate this blog. It's been a few months and everyone has gone through some changes; some good, some bad, but all for the better. As far as Bjoranges is concerned, we're back and we've got changes of our own. Things are being planned for the near future to pick up where we left off in Fubruary, which for everyone who doesn't know, was a collective show we hosted at the Water Heater. More shows are being taken into consideration, and we hope to have more on that in the upcoming weeks. Until then, though, we will continue to update this site, as well as trying to create more avenues of networking pages. Thanks to everyone who helped out and supported our endeavours to this point, and check back on the regular to see updates, videos, rants, and all around cool-guy stuff.